
Analytics Software

mIRNAVISA: Cancer research

miRNAVISA Cancer Research

miRNAVISA is a web-based tool that allows customized interrogation and comparisons of miRNA families for hypotheses generation, and comparison of the per-species chromosomal distribution of miRNA genes in different families.

Health Informatics

Health Informatics and Analytics

We have developed a web application for health informatics in Kenya. Data from the District Health Information Systems(DHIS) can complement ocassional demographic survey data thus ensuring continuous evaluation of the data accuracy, reduction of missingness, etc.

Traffic Models

Traffic Analytics and Modelling

Traffic data from our roads can be used to analyse flow/flux, speed, accidents, road-use/misuse, and even tax compliance. Data-driven decisions help in policy formulation to enhance efficiency and mitigate deaths


Dragon MicroRna Discovery

Dragon microrna discovery (DMD) software for de-novo discovery of miRNAs from abitrary DNA/RNA sequences with high specificity and sensitivity. DMD is dedicated to the late VB!


Biostatistics & Computing

Biostatistics and Computing

This course gives an introduction to the core skills regarding data analysis, mathematical and statistical models and the application of algorithms to make sense from data via analysis.

Time Series

Time Series Analysis

A time series is a set of data points indexed by time. Time series data is ubiqutous in many industries and sectors of the economy such as banking/finance, agriculture, mining, etc.

Computational Methods & Data Analysis

Computational Methods and Data Analytics

Computational Methods and Data Analytics III has an approach based on data concerning algorithms, fractals, probability, statistics, image processing, medicine (neurology, radiology and psychiatry), and economy. Combining theory and application for each field and different datasets.

Statistical Projects

Statistical and Actuarial Analytical Projects

The science and art of extracting meaning from seemingly incomprehensible data is the core of this course. Students develop confidence and skills to apply statistical principles to solve practical problems in industry and public service.