Data Visualization Using Ggplot2

In 2017, around 752 million individuals lived with mental health disorders, making mental health account for a significant percent in the global disease burden. Since much of our functionality and productivity depends on our mental health it also affects our work and academic experience. But despite this, mental health is still an overlooked topic not in just the workplace and academic
institutions but in society at large. The severity of mental illness and its consequences are not appropriated in policy and legislation. Moreover individuals with mental disorders still run up against stigmatization, lack of empathy and negative attitudes aimed at them. Ranging from people completely denying the existence of mental disorders to an overly diagnostic attitude that is just as
harmful. This paper aims at shining a light on the consequences of neglecting mental health using data visualization. It also aims to show that progress in economic and academic development will not be made unless the reforms and policies towards mental health are made.