State Of Health Embu County

Maternal health care service utilization is an important health issue related to
both maternal and child survival as it reduces maternal mortality and morbid-
ity as well as improving the well being of mothers and their abbreviate during
and after birth. Considering low utilization of health care service especially in
Sub-Saharan Africa, understanding what determines utilization becomes impor-
tant. This study set out to examine determinants of maternal health in Embu
county.The study was able to nd out factors that aect utilization of mater-
nal health care services in the county thus achieving the study objective.The
ndings of the study may help health related agencies and stakeholders to de-
sign appropriate and cost-eective intervention programs targeting areas with
most needs. This may lead to prudent use of resources in the management of
maternal health and hence mitigating maternal mortality while enhancing re-
productive health and resource eciency. Lastly, this study aims at stimulating
further research in this area, thus bridging knowledge gaps and updating scien-
tic knowledge on this important topic. This study has been conducted with
the main objective of investigating the factors in
uencing utilization of maternal
health care services by rural women in Kenya. Necessary tests were carried out
leading to establishment of the relationship of independent variables with de-
pendent variables (antenatal care, hospital delivery and postnatal care). Embu
county is a metropolitan county with a population of approximately 543,221
persons .