Investigating The Heating Load Requiremens Of A Building As A Function Of Building Parameters Using Ggvis In R
Abstract Abstract Since the era of computers, statisticians have relied on various soft￾ware to be able to compute and analyze data so as to infer from them and create models to tackle real world problems. R is one of the many softwares that does this. R is a statistical software that computes basic and complex mathematical problems. It has numerous packages that deal with different computations and data display. GGVIS is a package that makes it easy to build interactive graphics for exploratory data analysis. These graphics are fundamentally web graphics, so as to enable the author to display them in web pages easily. It is a strong package because it enables the graphs to be interactive, so as to enable users to infer a range of information without the need of many graphs. Moreover, ggvis enables one to display their graphs on web browsers, making it very useful in this digital age. Ggvis is a rather new package. Other packages that are similar to ggvis include the ggplot2. Ggvis borrows many familiar concepts from ggplot2, but there are several signifi- cant differences. The main difference is that ggvis makes fewer assumptions about the data, making its results more accurate. Ggvis is built on top of Vega. Vega is a frameworks of objects to ease the construction of 3 dimension visualizations