Analysis Of The District Health Information System (dhis) Data Of Uasin Gishu County (2013-2017)
This study is based on the District Health Information System (DHIS) data
for Uasin Gishu County. The aim is to determine relationships among various
units of the data, establish trends and draw conclusions. The methods used
involves graphical illustrations using ggplot2 - R statistical package and basic
mathematical functions to manipulate the DS1 and DS2 data (ranging from
the year 2013-2017) that was provided and the approach used involves coming
up with research questions and analyzing the data to determine whether the
hypothesis is true.
There are four results based on the four research questions which are; pro-
vision of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (LLITNs) to pregnant women
has contributed in reducing the cases of malaria in pregnancy, attendance of
Antenatal and Postnatal care visits has contributed to reduction of maternal
and neonatal deaths, the trend of general diseases indicates a problem in sanitation and general hygiene and there is an increasing proportion of Tuberculosis
cases caused by HIV.
From the discussion, we concluded that t he county government health sector
should: ensure continual provision of LLITNs to pregnant women to prevent
Malaria in pregnancy, create awareness on importance of ANC and PNC visits and train medical sta to provide quality services, allocate more of its county
budget to the public health sector, create awareness of proper sanitation and
hygiene and also conduct public cleanups.