Application Of Computation Methods In The Tobacco Industry;plantation, Production And Marketing Of Tobacco Products(project 20)

Many research experiments have been carried out in the past with efforts to look into the computation aspects in the tobacco sector. Different experiments, with different objectives all in a bid to either advance the technological aspects of the computation, for documentation purposes, while others are basically to facilitate the progression of knowledge on the sector. The aim of the research was to find out the different methods applied in the plantation, manufacturing and distribution of tobacco products.
The research on the different applications of computation methods was carried out as a means to explore the relationship between what is learnt in class and how it is/can be applied in the industry. It can also be viewed as a way to describe and explain how the sector operates with intentions for predicting future behaviors of the industry.
Different computational methods are applied differently in the different sectors in the tobacco industry. They may be chemical, theoretical, mathematical, manual and computer based computations methods such as the randomized complete block design, hypothesis testing, production cost per unit ,input-output analysis, tax calculations, maximization of profit and minimization of production cost, cluster analysis, multivariate analysis and Monte Carlo simulations can and are being applied in the different sectors in the tobacco industry.
The applicant of the methods, depending on the type of computation being done will be subjected to a number of choices immediately after the actual experiment is carried out. This could either be accepting or rejecting a hypothesis, employment advisories, regulations to amounts of fertilizers being used, amount of harvesting being done, how much products will be produced and later distributed to the market growth patterns become visible, efficiency of the different sectors in the tobacco industry also come to light.
In as much as great efforts are being made in the tobacco industry to improve and grow the sector, there are also measures being taken by human rights organizations, the government's, health personnel and many other interested parties, in an effort to reduce the production and distribution of tobacco products as a means to reduce if not to eradicate the environmental and health menace being caused by the effects of tobacco product constituents. Computation methods play great roles not only in the tobacco sector but also in the economy as a whole.