Population Changes In Kenya 1962-2009, By Provinces, Using The Google Visualisation (googlevis Package) With R

Population growth in a country has been a point of interest across the globe since it’s an indicator and an implication of so many changes. This research aims at showing the population growth in Kenya between the years 1962 to 2009, based on the last two official censuses in Kenya. This project employs Google visualization tools to Kenya’s census population dataset to produce interactive charts using Googlevis package displaying growth in Kenya’s population by provinces since 1962 to 2009.The googleVis package provides an interface between R and the Google visualisation to create interactive charts which can be embedded into web pages.The best known of these charts is probably the Motion Chart, popularized by Hans Rosling in his TED talks. With the Googlevis package users can easily create web pages with interactive charts based on R data frames and display them either via the local R HTTP help server or within their own sites.