Genetic Statistics

Genetic statistics is quite a vast area of study and can be divided into several fields for instance: Population Genetics, Phylogenetics, Linkage, QTL mapping,
Association, Linkage Disequilibrium and haplotype mapping, Genome-Wide As￾sociation Studies (GWAS), multiple testing and Importing Sequence Data.
Due to lack of sufficient resources and time for adequate research, we may not
be able to exhaust all areas of study in this article and therefore, chose to ven￾ture into the Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) mapping. Here, locus means the
region of the genome –not necessarily a single gene; it could be several linked
For our study, we used the R software and the QTL package, which is appli￾cable for our study since it provides several functions and a data structure for
QTL mapping, including a function scanone() for genome-wide scans. Also, bqtl
implement both likelihood-based and Bayesian methods for inbred crosses and
recombinant inbred lines.
We will analyze the data in the following steps:
We start by having a summary of our data followed by a plot of the data. We
then estimate the recombination fractions and plot them. Also, we observe the
inspected genotypes for a chromosome and have Lod curves for a genome scan.
Lastly, we carry out a two-dimensional genome scan with a two-QTL model followed by a complete summary of our regression equation.