Analysis Of Spatial Temporal Data

The problem of traffic congestion in Nairobi city has been a major crisis for years.
Drivers and pedestrians find it difficult to get through the city especially during
peak hours. This research aims to analyze the traffic congestion of vehicles
and give proper results and recommendations which can help ease this problem.
Given that approximately 1/10 of the city population own vehicles and use them
every day on the roads (note this approximation was gotten by dividing the city’s
population by the number of vehicles in the city) the problem arises when these
vehicles get to the same roads which can hold one up to no end. The roundabouts
can become tangled messes with traffic police holding up proceedings for what
can seem like (or actually be) hours. Heavy traffic jam is caused in major roads
making it difficult for people to reach their destinations at their desired time.
This research aims to collect data in the major parts of the city where heavy
traffic jam is experienced, study and analyze the results, state the causes, and
give the possible solutions. Since the time for the handling of the project is
limited, this study will only concentrate on the major issues that will be carried
out in the field and further research conducted later in a proposed study.
In this particular research, graphical methods and interview survey methods are
used to analyze and give precise results and conclusion. The results obtained
aid in investigating the effectiveness and conclude that they are vital.