Reasons For Unporpularity Of Pnc And Modern Delivery Services In Isiolo County

PNC (postnatal care) is the care and treatment given to mothers and newborns immediately or shortly after birth. Most women who give birth in urban hospitals either come back after more than six days or don’t come back for PNC .Isiolo County is highly affected. It’s so unfortunate to notice a low and decreasing number of women and children admitted in Isiolo county health facilities for PNC, despite the fact that the PNC services are free.
The study was therefore done to determine the cause of low turnout in the number of women and infants admitted for PNC in Isiolo county health facilities, between the years 2016 and 2017.The study also dealt with the possible factors that hinder women from attending PNC and those that make them prefer delivery by local midwives.
Data was collected using DHIS2(District Health Information System 2) of women who attended health facilities in Isiolo county for PNC and infants admitted for the same .This data was then forwarded to the desk of the county health record information officer where they were obtained, studied ,analysis done and results found. Data analysis was done using R programming language .From the study it was established that the main factor was lack of awareness among the mothers as pertaining to the importance of PNC.
Based on this research it is therefore recommended that women in their reproductive age should be informed thoroughly on the importance of PNC.
The education system should also be made to accommodate this knowledge and to emphasize on its importance.