Application Of R-paackages In Solving Differential Equations.
Differential equations (DE) are equations that describe how a quantity changes as a function of one or several (independent) variables, often time or space. Differential equations play an important role in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, economy and other disciplines.
Differential equations can be separated into stochastic versus deterministic DEs. Problems can be split into initial value problems versus boundary value problems which we will be showing in this research. One also distinguishes ordinary differential equations from partial differential equations, differential algebraic equations and delay differential equations. All these types of DEs can be solved in R and will be demonstrated in this study. DE problems can be classified to be either stiff or non-stiff; the former types of problems are much more difficult to solve.
R is still predominantly applied for statistical analysis and graphical representation, it is rapidly becoming more suitable for mathematical computing. One of the fields where considerable progress has been made recently is the solution of differential equations. Here we give a brief overview of differential equations that can now be solved by R.