Assessment Of Maternal Health And Prevalent Diseases Based On Data From The District Health Information Systems (dhis): A Case Study Of Kiambu County
DHIS is defined as an unrestricted documentation software program for study-
ing, analyzing and spreading information for health programs. Information
acquired from the DHIS focused on Kiambu County health records for data
from 2013 to 2017. The aim of this study is to analyze data on maternal health
and prevalent diseases and come up with causes, measures, and challenges en-
countered in offering quality health care. The study uses graphs to show the
trend, compare values, discuss the information and come up with recommenda-
tions. It found out that most of the diseases and deaths are preventable if the
appropriate measures of dealing with the diseases and deaths are taken . The
study noted that the need for quality health care has grown and is hindered
by inadequate health facilities and personnel among others. It established that
implementing DHIS is a challenge due to unequipped personnel and lack of
adequate knowledge of the system.