An Analysis Of Dhis2 And Its Effectiveness In Meru County.
District health information software is an open source platform for report￾ing,analysis and dissemination of data for health programs. a tool for collection.
We used data collected,mainly using DHIS2 for Meru county for the years 2013
to 2017.Health information systems offer many potential benefits for health
care,including financial benefits and for improving the quality of patient care.
We sought to find out whether Meru county has made great strides in healthcare
since the inception of devolution. We also analysed the challenges faced with re￾gard to Maternal deaths, Tuberculosis and Waterborne diseases, the availability
of quality healthcare in reducing these cases, the factors that bring about these
diseases, the effects they have on the lives of people in the community and the
ways to deal with them. We also looked at the impact of the health worker’s
strikes on the communities. The study used simple graphs to analyze the data
and show the various trends. We found out that for TB cases, most deaths were
prevalent in HIV positive patients which has been decreasing over the years.
Waterborne diseases have been on the rise due to inadequate water supply and
poor sanitation among the locals and the health workers’ strikes have had a
negative impact on maternal care where the number of women accessing these
services declined significantly in the years affected by these strikes. Based on
our analysis, we came up with recommendations on ways to improve the health
care in the county.