Analysis Of Dhis2 Laikipia County

In many developing countries, collection, analysis, reporting, and implementa￾tion of health data is faced with many challenges hence incomplete, inaccurate
data impending decision-making based on the evidence. Strengthening the Na￾tional Health Information System is among vision 2030 in Kenya. This seems
impossible since this journey has been marked with some challenges such a
poorly-integrated Health System that saw the replacement of the existing sys￾tem with a DHIS2 that covers all the counties in the country. The project seeks
to focus on the challenges facing Health Systems in Laikipia County, and with
this, we can focus on how the developing countries have tackled their challenges,
to try implementing the positive bits in Kenya. Let us take a close look at our
main aim here, which is the DHIS in Laikipia County to recommend the most
likely measures that can be taken to improve the quality of the services offered