Mortality In Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya And Medical Services.

Modern medicine has struggled to take root in remote areas in Kenya such as Elgeyo Marakwet county. This study investigates the impact of modern medicine
in the county as suggested by the rates of mortality between the years 2013 and
2017. The results should assist government officials and other relevant bodies
in the formulation of health policies and planning of the county for the future
economically and otherwise. The study is conducted based on data available
from the county government between the said years which is analysed through
basic statistical tools such as EXCEL and R. In summary, the findings show
that while the impact of modern medicine is evident particularly in terms of
reducing number of victims of the various diseases and death cases ,the county
faces opposition from traditional and cultural alternatives. The findings support
and are built up from and thanks to other relevant studies in the county such
as the ‘Ethno-medicinal Plants Traditionally Used by the Keiyo Community in
Elgeyo Marakwet County’ study