Investigating The Mortality Of Hiv Positive Patients: I63/84595/2017

immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has been a menace in the recent decades since its discovery in mid The human twentieth century. The virus weakens the host’s immune system making them vulnerable to infections from other diseases. So far, no cure has been found for the virus and this has aroused a lot of talks and concern both in media and governments on how to manage and control it. Research on the cure for the virus is still ongoing. The antiretroviral (ARVs) drugs are the ones that are being used at the moment to suppress the virus and to boost the immunity of the carriers of the virus.
Many view HIV as a death sentence as it is thought to shorten the life expectancy. This project aims to find out mortality rates of HIV positive patients and how they vary with different characteristics. In particular, we investigate how they vary with the age of the patients and with the use of the antiretroviral drugs.