The Application Of R Markdown Using A Descriptive Model Of Forest Fires

Since the onset of civilization, man has always sought ways of making life easier, but with civilization came about the use mathematical and statistical methods to solve some of life's most pressing problems. This new way of thinking created a divide between the scholars who understand difficult statistical analysis problems and the normal folk who have not necessarily undergone through an elaborate statistical course to enhance their understanding. Today, computational analysis is applied in almost every sphere of life hence the need to make it more understandable. This need cannot be understated as it seen that data is becoming increasingly complex and statistical analysis more sophisticated. Well the answer to that is a simple to use reproducible analysis tool known as R markdown. In this discussion, I seek to understand how significant the R markdown application has been to the world of statistical computation and to use a dataset to outline how R markdown is applied. For this project using Forest Fires Dataset, applying Rmarkdown a predictive model of fire occurrence in Tras-os-Montes Northeast region of Portugal was obtained.