Analysis And Assessment Of Health Situations Based On Data From Dhis:a Case Study Of Migori County

The DHIS is an important system used for health monitoring, improving disease surveillance, pinpointing outbreaks and speeding up health data access. It was implemented in Kenya in the year 2010.In this project the data is obtained from the DHIS system, specifically for Migori County. The main aim is to analyze the patient’s data, visualize it and infer a number of things like the causes of various diseases in the county, the trend over the years, what does the trend signify and what health policies can be made to improve the health system. We shall use R graphics for visualization and the R libraries for our analysis. This will help to draw evidence-based conclusions and inferences that will go a long
way in supporting the recommendations that we shall put forth. The analysis established that the data from DHIS 2 can be used for program improvement, formulating stopgap measures and to mitigate health hazards. However, we
can say that the implementation and use of DHIS2 is still faced with myriad of challenges which could be arising from inadequacy of skilled personnel tooperate the systems at the county levels (Patricia Wanja Gathua). From the data we can conclude that an effort is being made to improve health though some diseases need more policies created to deal with the increasing trend. We recommend that the county should intensify its use of DHIS2 to help monitor
health situations and make improvements.