Analysis Of Ante-natal Care And Disease Prevalence Based On Data From District Health Information Systems: A Case Of Wajir County.
Ante-Natal Care is the care expectant mothers receive from healthcare profes- sionals during pregnancy. It takes into account all health needs and preferences and ensures safety of the fetus during pregnancy. Disease prevalence in a re- gion is a point of concern for its residents. Taking the case of Wajir County. We have studied: ante-natal care visit trends in the county and come up with explanations for the low proportions and factors that have contributed to the general increase in attendances; disease prevalence in the county and the factors that have contributed to the prevalence. We have used computational meth-ods to come up with visual aspects that assist in analysis of the data drawn from District Health Information 1. We compare our ndings with those from Wajir County Health Department Smart Survey. The results obtained helps us analyze the e ciency of the Wajir County Government Health system.