I am well equipped and conversant with knowledge on python and therefore having mastered the below stated:
- Install and Setup Indentation For loops Dictionaries and Sets Printing Blocks and Statements Iterating over a range Functions and returns Data types Conditional operations Iterating over iterable objects Lambda statements Strings & fstrings Chained Comparisons Nested for loops Generators Lists and Slicing Truthy Values continue and break Input and Output Numeric operations If Challenges Initialising variables Working directory Solution to if challenges While loops
- Object Oriented Programming Installing modules using PIP Install Jupyterlab Pandas Introduction Your first class in python Python Import system How to launch jupyter notebooks Pandas Series Instances, Constructors and more Virtual Environments Jupyter notebook tutorial & Keyboard shortcuts Pandas DataFrame Methods Common OS module methodsNumpy installation and Introduction Pandas Indexing and Conditional Selection Docstrings Reading and writing files Learn basic numpy functionality Modifying Data Frames Inheritance Context managers Numpy arrays and operations Pandas Groupby Variable scope in python Exception Handling Numpy vectorizing and other numpy functionality Pandas SQL
- Data Cleaning Introduction Data Visualization scikit-learn End to End ML Project with scoring Cleaning Data Frames Introduction to matplolib Introduction to machine learning Data collection Pandas sorting Bar Charts, Pie charts, etc Linear regression Building a database from scratch Pandas NA values and Duplicates Subplots Cross validation and data splitting Data analysis workflow Pandas filtering Time Series Data Logistic regression (binary classification) Saving predictions Pandas datetime methods Seaborn Plots Decision Trees and Random Forests Scoring predictions Working with multiple data frames SVM
1.Matplotlib-> helps with data analyzing and is a numerical plotting library.
2.Pandas-> provides fast, expressive and flexible data structures to easily work with structural multidimensional, potentially heterogenous and time series data.
3.Numpy-> has advanced math functions and a rudimentary scientific compute package .
4.Requests-> is a python library that lets you send HTTP/I.I requests, add headers, form data, multipart files and parameters with simple python dictionaries. It also lets you access data in the same way.
5.Pyglot-> is an excellent choice for an object oriented programming interface in developing games.
6.Seaborn-> it is a python data visualization library based on matplotlib. This package can be used for visualization of the statistical models.
It provides a high level interface for drawing attractive and informative statistical graphics.
6.Scipy-> oped software used for scientific computing python. Also used for data computation.
Math module
We just need to use the word import followed by the module name; import math.
This will give us access to all the functions, classes and statements if any that are within the math module
Say hey module
->I say hey. Py
The modules going to create a very simple function that takes in a variable that we are going to name an animal and return a hello statement
1.Zippile-> zippile libras provides tools to easily work with zippiles. It allows you to create, read and write zippikes directly in python, without being necessary to use an external program.
2.Random-> random numbers play an important role in artificial intelligence and data science.
We use random numbers to shuffle the training data prior to each spech to set initial weights in a neutral network, to separate training and testing data or to conduct A/B testing.
3.OS-> OS module provides functions for interacting with the operating system.
Contains numerous tools for working with directors in paths and files.
4.Time-> measure execution of time. We can measure the execution time of a block of code using the time . time ( ) function.
This file returns the number of seconds passed since the epoch. This is the point where time begins (epoch)
5.Data time-> provides many task for working with dates and times in python. Date time module. We can easily get current time, subtract two dates , or convert dates into custom formatted strings.
Comma-> separated values file is a common formst used to transfer information.
The info is structured as a table where each row contains a record and each column a field, being the field separated by commas we can use delimiters such as spaces or tabs.
Allows you to perform mathematical tasks on numbers.
Reg Ex with re module
A sequence of characters that uses a search pattern to find a string or set of strings in a piece of text or even data. It can even detect absence of a text by matching it with a particular pattern.