Industrial Transportation

Applications Of Computational Methods In Industrial Transportation
This paper deals with uses of computational methods used in industrial transportation. Here,Industrial transportation refers to companies providing services to this sector, including companies that manage airports, train depots, roads, bridges, tunnels, ports, providers of logistic services to shippers of goods, aircraft and vehicle maintenance services and commercial trucking services.In the 21st century, computational methods have become a dominant mechanism used by industrial transportation companies to solve different challenges encountered in their fields of operation. Computational technology has made sophisticated mathematical and statistical methods viable for the real world. Their use is of critical importance to these companies that use them for efficient management and maximization of resources while incurring the least cost possible.Themethods under this study are linear programming, simplex method and the Lagrangian multiplier that are developed to provide a solution. These three methods give a comprehensive analysis of how the companies minimize cost in their areas of operation and in the process maximize their profits.