Aerospace And Defense

Computational Methods Applied In The Aerospace And Defense Industry
For as long as people have been able to predict the behaviour of aerospace systems via modelling or computation, there have been attempts to use formal schemes to improve their performance. We compared and combined our findings to come up with the final script, after intensive research on the uses and applications of computational methods. We did an online based research and cross referenced the results with the course outline for relevance purposes. We found an extensive use of Management and information systems in the industry together with project management. The Aerospace and Defense industry has been facing various challenges, most real design problems have more than one goal that the designer is trying to improve. In aerospace design, it is common to be aiming for light weight, low cost, robust, high-performance systems. These aspirations are clearly in tension with each other and so compromise solutions have to be sought. Such compromises inevitably involve deciding on some form of weighting between the desired goals. It is possible to study design problems from the perspective of Pareto sets. A Pareto set of designs is one whose members are all optimal in some sense, but where the relative weighting between the competing goals is yet to be finally fixed. We also found extensive use of the Monte Carlo methods whenever estimates, forecasts or decisions in simulation are needed to make precise estimates.