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Analysis Of Taxation, Budget And Government Allocation In Health, Education, Infrastructure And Agricultural Sector From 2000 To 2018
The main challenge of national governments worldwide is to continually increase the welfare of its people through the implementation of appropriate economic policies and programs. Governments attempt to achieve this national objective by providing public goods, such as roads, infrastructures and public services such as education, security, health, and sanitation among others, hence forming the economic and social infrastructure. The adequacy of such infrastructures is a firm foundation for a country's economic growth and development. If possible, all public expenditures should contribute to the creation and promotion of an empowering domestic economic environment for local and foreign investments, boost both local and international trade; attract tourists and other foreign visitors, increase agricultural productivity; and boost craftsmanship and small scale industrial production. All these economic activities generate productive employment and hasten economic growth and development in the short, medium and long terms. Public expenditure by any government whether central, regional or local, is financed primarily through taxation. The effect of such taxes on growth of an economy can only remain positive if taxes levied create the right incentives (depending on economic activities) for the efficient allocation of resources in a given country. Additionally, in order to improve the welfare of its citizens, a given government should adopt fiscal policies with a tax structure that maximizes positive externalities while minimizing negative externalities, such as pollution and corrupt practices. This study analyzed the impact of taxation as a whole as well as the impact of indirect and direct taxes on economic growth using a simple endogenous growth model. The study used time series data for the period (2000-2018) to analyze the impact.